Monday, February 21, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] picking a vendor



I am a frequent contributor to this forum and only mention Electric Yacht if asked for a recommendation.  I do have first hand knowledge of the subject matter and know how Scott and Bill take care of Electric Yacht customers.  Most people on this forum know that electric boat propulsion equipment packages are of recent development; most having been designed within the last 10 years.  As (PWM) pulse width modulation switching technology for DC motors and (VFD) variable frequency drives for AC induction and/or synchronous motors continually improves the equipment will improve in performance and efficiency levels will reach upwards of 90%.  So I am saying that although the technology may work well from other companies I believe Electric Yacht has high quality and high customer service not to be beat.  On another note I am willing to offer free or very low cost installations for new Electric Yacht systems purchased in my area of the US.  This offer is subject to approval from Bill Tomlinson at Electric Yacht and may depend upon location.

John Raynes
Electric Boat Drives

n't see that Electric Yacht offers any particular benefit that the other vendors often mentioned on this list do not offer as well. They all have "turn-key" products with proven track records, high quality products, documented performance, warranties and satisfied customers. 

I think that each reader should research each of the major vendors like Electric Yacht, Advanced Marine, Annapolis Hybrid (ASMO), Solid Nav or Propulsion Marine and choose the one that meets their personal selection criteria. Keep in mind that each of these vendors are members here too.

If you have installed a particular system in your own boat, then you should discuss your direct experience. But you should be careful to not declare any particular solution as "better" unless you've got first-hand experience to back that up.

I know that the group owner is not interested in making this group a place for dealers to troll for customers.

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In, John Raynes <johncraynes@...> wrote:
> I am a dealer for "Electric Yacht" but that is not what is important here.
> Look at "Electric Yachts" track record, quality, performance, warranty and
> experience customers have are all reasons to buy their product.
> John Raynes
> Electric Boat Drives
> >
> > John,
> > Why are you suggesting Electric Yacht ? What are the benefits compared to
> > the other "turn key" Vendors mentioned on this forum ?
> >

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