Wednesday, February 23, 2011

RE: [Electric Boats] Batteries and Powering Them


Anne it's not a good idea to mix battery types. There is plenty on the web to verify this. Cut from a site.

"Different batteries (Brands/Types) use different chemical compounds. This means that some last longer then others. When one of the mixed batteries dies the other battery will continue discharging electricity. This may cause voltage reversal and can cause the batteries to leak and cause damage to sensitive electronics."
It's really not a good idea especially different designs like AGM's and wet sells. I second the Genset over the solar for emergencies. You can always sell the Genset. The charger won't be happy either with a mixed set. :o) GOOD LUCK!!

Steve in Solomons MD

OK, I've made the plunge. The order is now in for my new electric engine. I need to buy the batteries and charger for it, and I'm looking to get solar panels to charge said batteries on those rare occasions when I venture far from my safe little harbor.

Regarding batteries: I figured to get AGMs. I have 2 deep-cycle wet cells on board now that are still in good condition. Is there any reason why I can't save a bit of cost and get 2 AGMs and use them with the two wet cells I have on board now?

I've been told by a 'green' friend of mine that there really isn't enough wind in our area to make a wind turbine worth the cost. So I'm thinking of picking up solar panels instead. What do I need in order to charge the batteries enough to not leave me stranded if I have a no wind day in the middle of nowhere? As I said, these occasions will be rare - maybe two or three times a season. So is the cost worth it or would it be better just a rent a generator?



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