Saturday, February 26, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: Guest chargers



Are you talking about these?|328|985|316471&id=88417

I have been using two of them to charge a 48V bank of 6V golf car batteries on my Albin 25. They are a little small for that application, but I wanted something that my 900W Honda generator could handle. I have tried motoring while running the Honda and they didn't seem to mind, though I only ran for a half hour or so. I'll do more extensive testing of that mode next summer.

We also installed a set on a Santana 30-30 conversion back in 2004/2005 and have had no problems. That one sails regularly and is plugged in at the dock the rest of the time. The T-105 batteries only need water about once a year an it's still on the original set.

I have a pair of the 5A per channel version in my Duffy launch as well. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them based on the above experience. They seem to be pretty bullet proof.


--- In, "acsarfkram" <acsarfkram@...> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> I used a Guest three bank charger on my first electric conversion. It charged 3 group 27 batteries that powered a MotorGuide 109 on an Ericson 23. I never had any issues with it. The batteries were flooded lead (not sealed) and I rarely had to add any water. I don't know if that means anything other than the charger was not boiling the batteries :-).
> Mark
> Santa Cruz
> --- In, Richard Mair <fullkeel2000@> wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone had any experience with Guest pro chargers..They are a lot easier to find out here on the Canadian east coast than Dual Pro.
> > Still looking for a Dual pro supply.
> > I can get two guest pro 24 volt bank chargers new at a good price.
> > Richard
> >

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