Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Batteries and Powering Them


You can buy a Honda 2000 portable gen for less then solar panels or a wind gen. Plus you can take it home and use it. I've had one for 8 years, cruised for 4 of those, using it frequently and have used it at home several  times.


-----Original Message-----
From: amracel <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 23, 2011 4:54 am
Subject: [Electric Boats] Batteries and Powering Them

OK, I've made the plunge. The order is now in for my new electric engine. I need to buy the batteries and charger for it, and I'm looking to get solar panels to charge said batteries on those rare occasions when I venture far from my safe little harbor.

Regarding batteries: I figured to get AGMs. I have 2 deep-cycle wet cells on board now that are still in good condition. Is there any reason why I can't save a bit of cost and get 2 AGMs and use them with the two wet cells I have on board now?

I've been told by a 'green' friend of mine that there really isn't enough wind in our area to make a wind turbine worth the cost. So I'm thinking of picking up solar panels instead. What do I need in order to charge the batteries enough to not leave me stranded if I have a no wind day in the middle of nowhere? As I said, these occasions will be rare - maybe two or three times a season. So is the cost worth it or would it be better just a rent a generator?


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