Monday, December 31, 2018

[Electric Boats] Re: 6HP and 12 HP Solomon Technologies Motors for Sale



Any chance you still have the ST74 demo unit for sale?


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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

[Electric Boats] Re: Buchan 37 conversion



I own and see a fair amount of requests for specific parts (the usual suspects, like manifolds), RTOs , & parted-out engines.

For local prospects also try offerup & Facebook's marketplace. They are both free & easy to set up.

Even though there is a minor fee involved, try an ad with Mike  @

For reaching the most potential customers, I would list on ebay.

Good Luck!


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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

[Electric Boats] Buchan 37 conversion


I am currently in the middle of a conversion and have pulled the diesel Volvo MD2B out and have it for sale on craigslist.  Only minimal interest so far, though I have it priced (I think) fairly well at $1200.  I'd love to hear about any successes others have had in selling their old engines.



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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

RE: [Electric Boats] Re: ElectraGlide


Thanks! I did see a posting from 2016 but the original starter of the thread didn't respond to questions. I'm keeping my eyes peeled ... :)


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Monday, December 17, 2018

RE: [Electric Boats] Re: ElectraGlide


I'll Check with a friend of mine and see if has a lead on the motors. As far as the system I have installed there isn't anything I would change. I did see a guy a while ago wanting to sell his system so it does pop up every once in a while.


Steve in Solomons MD

Lagoon 410 S2 e


From: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2018 8:11 PM
Subject: [Electric Boats] Re: ElectraGlide


Hi Steve,


I hope your sailing adventures are going well ... 


I'm interested in your BMS system, and your drive system in general. I've been reading the threads you've contributed to here, and at the less EB friendly CF site.


I am slightly terrified at the thought, but I'm hoping to replicate the ST system during our re-power project. I'm doing the reading now to prepare, and I've read about Waypoint, ElectraGlide (formally Magic), a third Lagoon 410 (Paradigm?), and a few other boats that had the system installed.


I have identified most of the components that make up the system through this reading, and I found an Excel document from ST with the components listed for their customers. However, while most of the components have 'off shelf' replacements available, the electric motors used in the system don't seem to be widely available from Homewood who manufactured the motors for Dave Tether's companies. Yes, there are other electric motors available, but honestly the ST motors are the most appealing at this time.


Apart from the posting here in this Yahoo group 2 years ago, I haven't seen the system posted for resale. I guess this is to be expected. Do you happen to have any leads on where these motors might be available?


And two years on with your updated BMS, LiFePO4 pack, Genset, solar, and other electric components, are you still smiling?  Anything you've learned that you'd like to change in the system at the moment?





---In, <sdolan@...> wrote :

One thing I learned real quick here is we have a bunch of different boats I've seen them from 12 ' to 50 feet and all different configurations so the diversity is quite amazing. Howsoever the majority of boats are in in the 15 to 30 foor range. This brings up some interesting boats in the bigger range that most aren't considering do to the complexity and coast involved. This isn't a bad thing it's just where some of us are willing to go a little further out of the envelope. Electra Glide is such a boat. A 41 foot catamaran with twin engines, 4 controllers and a shit load of electronics on board is a little more than most would attempt, believe me sometimes it's overwhelming trying to figure out the best way to control the charging regiment and provide the maximum charge at any particular time, such is a case with the Genset and LiFePo4 batteries which will probably solved with a relay shutting off current at a preset voltage. However it still leaves me with a number of sleepless nights going over it in my head then there was Solar Panels added this year. The first thought was to get them available for the Propulsion band. Only probable was the array would probably be bigger than the boat and there wasn't realty a Controller to handle 144V system. The solution was to take the loads off the Propulsion bank to the house bank and allow the max solar charge to go to the house bank. This solved a number of problems with somewhat simplifying the problem until you look at providing power to the House Bank from the Propulsion bank again. I'm still building matrics...
The real purpose to this email was to let you all know about a new Software/ hardware package I just relieved a company called EVIC. They developed a BMS system for boats and it really is amazing what it can do. There is a video I hope will play attached.
This is quite customizable and I've already planned on a few extra screens to localize the Genset as we well as the solar. General costs was in the $500 range not counting my devepopment coast. Once I get it installed and hoopoed up to the Main Bms board I'll do a full demo.

Once again I know this is probably over the top for some of you, having the individual battery data on screen is Very Important to me but I can't see this will be a huge advantage to a complex system on larger boats.

Steve in Solomons MD
Lagoon 410 2E


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