Sunday, February 27, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Schematic or diagram of system help


"Seems to me that the "stuck in absorption mode" issue they talk about would only be a problem if the batteries are almost fully charged."
        FYI I usually run down the battery for about an hour or until the bank has dropped to anywhere between 80 to 90% of capacity from 100% (full charge) whichever comes first before I fire up the generator. I do this just so I am sure to keep the charger from going into the absorption mode at the start of motoring.
Capt. Mike

--- On Mon, 2/28/11, luv2bsailin <> wrote:

From: luv2bsailin <>
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Schematic or diagram of system help
Date: Monday, February 28, 2011, 2:51 AM

Here's some info on charging batteries while they are under load:

Seems to me that the "stuck in absorption mode" issue they talk about would only be a problem if the batteries are almost fully charged. I know of a couple house batteries that were fried because of this, due to the constant low house loads.
In our case, if the propulsion motor draw was much greater than the charger's capacity you'd never get into that situation because most of the charger's current would be siphoned off by the motor, leaving little left to boil the batteries. Does this make sense?
Anyhow, I'm trying to figure out what multi-channel smart chargers CAN be used while motoring and which can't, and why. The above link touches on it, but I have a feeling there's a bit more to it. Maybe this is a topic for another thread...

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