Saturday, April 3, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Pure or mostly solar powered boat?


Anything is possible and your may be adaquate if the boat you are buying is cheap enough. But, personally I believe in backups when sailing. That's why I carry  a Honda 2000 generator on board but, try not to use it if I don't have too. Your speed and distance requirements will require more stored energy on board than my 30 foot sailboat. Perhaps  advanced batteries may help as compared to my 210 amp AGM bank. I've done at least two 100 plus mile cruises with my Thoosa system but, I view my boat as first and foremost a sailboat. The electric propulsion is just an auxiliary system and not my first choice for propelling the boat. I'd rather get to a destination by sail but, will use electric propulsion if I need to.  Solar panels and wind generators are slow charging systems. If you are moving every day under electric propulsion at the speeds and distance you mentioned I doubt they would be able to keep up with the boats energy demands just using those sources for charging.  
Capt. Mike

--- On Sat, 4/3/10, peoria_diver <> wrote:

From: peoria_diver <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] Pure or mostly solar powered boat?
Date: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 4:21 PM

Hello all,

I've been lurking in this group for the past year or so and have learned a lot from you all. I've had a project in mind and I'm trying to figure out if it's practical and how to make it work. Would it be possible to modify a smaller cruising sailboat to a pure solar powered boat?

My thoughts were along the lines of buying a sailboat around 30' LOA, stripping out the engine, mast and rigging, fuel tank, etc. and replacing it with an electric motor, batteries in place of some of the balast, and as many solar panels as I can fit on the cabin top and on a hard top to replace the bimini. Most days I'd like to be able to cruise around 5-6 knots for 4 hours or so, but still have the capability to go 70-80 miles on occasion. Oh, and the maximum budget for the project is about $40K.

Is this possible? Practical? Safe? And how would you accomplish it?


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