Tuesday, April 27, 2010

RE: [Electric Boats] Re: Sizing an electric drive


Thanks very much. That's very helpful. My hunter displaces around
17,800 lbs, and that would come to around 8kWs by your formula. I've
looked at that Electric Yacht site and they have a lot of good things on
there. Thanks so much for the info. I'll be back with more questions

Penelope L. McFadin
lux libertas et caritas
29N32'32.45" 95W2'12.58"

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Electric Boats] Re: Sizing an electric drive
From: "Eric" <ewdysar@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, April 27, 2010 11:50 am
To: electricboats@yahoogroups.com

This is a common question when people first show up here. I know
of two drive sizing guidelines for sailboats that usually give about the
same answer.

The first is to choose a drive that is 1kW per 3 to 4 hp of the diesel
that it is replacing, this means that a 5kW electric drive can replace a
15-20 hp diesel. This assumes that the diesel drive was sized to
effectively use its available power, and that is not always the case.

The other guideline is 1kW per ton (2200 pounds) of displacement. We
can see that a sailboat with 11,000 lb displacement is just about at the
limit for a 5kW drive. Likewise, a 2kW drive is more appropriate for
boats that are 4,500 lbs or less. Victor, your 18,000 lb sailboat should
get a drive with at least 8kW.

Following either of these guidelines will probably mean that you still
won't hit hull speed, but the drive should provide enough power to deal
with some some wind or current while manuevering in close quarters. All
this being said, many people install drives that do not meet these
guidelines and their boats are functional, but may struggle more with
less than perfect conditions.

--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, "Penelope L. McFadin"
<timechick@...> wrote:
> Hello! I found your list last night. I have a 37 foot '79 Hunter
> Cherobini Sailboat that I want to take the old nasty diesel engine
> and replace it with a clean electric motor. Has anyone done this for
> sailboat this large? Just how much power would I need and how much
> battery will that require?
> Any good advice out there?
> --
> Penelope L. McFadin
> lux libertas et caritas
> http://chaosbutterfly.com/
> http://www.cafepress.com/chaosbutterfly
> 29N32'32.45" 95W2'12.58"

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