Tuesday, April 27, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: Next problem: batteries and others.



While I believe that you're on the right track, however, I think that your guesstimates are somewhat optimistic, skewed towards AGM. I've posted real numbers a couple of times, most recently in post #13890. The delivered energy ratios between battery types are less than 2 to 1, often much less.

The rated capacity versus usable has also been discussed in detail many times on this board, you can read specific answers from other people by searching through previous posts. Usually a change in battery type will only yield an additional 10-20% DoD, which calculates to an increase in usable capacity of less than 35%. For most of my calculations I use the following usable percentages: Flooded = 60% DoD, AGM = 70%, LFP = 80%. These numbers are conservative, but should keep the battery banks healthy without decreasing their projected lifespans much.

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, John Francis <surv69@...> wrote:
> I just throwing figures out as I pretty much understand them to be.
> I'm hoping someone who has real numbers will jump in...
> In all fairness, when you buy a flooded deep cell you get about 20-30
> percent usage before you begin to potentially damage the battery and I think
> that on high load the flooded cell drops faster than an AGM battery.
> When you add the deeper discharge that an AGM battery allows, you've
> probably cut the cost of each amp into about a third or less.
> SO, I think that each 3 amps or so(usable power) from a flooded battery,
> will equal something like 10 amps from an AGM battery . . . maybe more . . .
> maybe less.
> PLUS if you pull a lot of amps out of a flooded cell, the battery will, I
> think will actually discharge faster than the ampreage rate and from what I
> understand the AGM discharge will be much less.
> Given if this is true, an AGM battery will give you much more usable power
> for a little more than a flooded cell battery.
> So to speak a cheaper AGM battery(less amps) might actually out-perform a
> more costly flooded cell with much higher amps. AFTER all, it's only the
> amps you can really make use of that mean anything.
> John Francis
> Pearson 26
> Port Clinton

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