Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Hello electric boat fans


If you are considering electric versus gas outboards, the gas powered outboard will be readily available, lighter, cheaper, more powerful, have simpler installation and have a much longer range. The electric will be cleaner, quieter and have somewhat less maintenance (wet cells have maintenance requirements).

Depending on the intended usage, one may find that an electric outboard is the right answer, but the choice is definately up the individual.

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In, dwolfe@... wrote:
> It would cost around $2500 for just the parts to create an electric
> inboard installation, batteries not included. Some engineering skill
> and a fair bit of labor is needed to complete the install and keep the
> blue smoke inside the controller;)
> If you have an outboard mount already I'd think the Torqeedo is
> your best option.
> Check with Todd at Epower marine, he is very knowledgable about
> Torqeedo motors.
> Denny
> On Wed 21/04/10 7:25 AM , Joe Molare jmolare@... sent:
> Zowwie that is a big bill! But it does look like a good product and
> has integral GPS and battery monitor.

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