Thursday, April 29, 2010

[Electric Boats] troubles charging batteries


Made a Mars motor installation from Thunderstruck. Added 4 12V 120Ah semitraction lead acid atteries. Mounted PowerCheq equalizers between them. Charging with a 20A 48V automatic charger from Kipoint, Taiwan. Experienced very short sailing distance first year (08). Added much bigger heatsink and a fan on the controller, which apparently got too hot. 09 experienced still very short sailing distance (less than one hour at half speed, 3 knots). When one shore last autumn I found out that the batteries were not at all properly charged (controled with an acid float tester). When charging, the voltage raised in short time to about 59V, whereafter the charger switched off as it should. But the batteries were not charged. Home in the workshop I could charge the batteries invidually with a small automobile charger (long time), and all 4 batteries came up to full charge.
What goes wrong in the boat? Is the charger too big (20A). Have the batteries too big internal resistance, sonce the voltage came up, but the charging did not?
Any advice shall be very appreciated. Byt the way: one of the PowerCheq's had blown its fuses and were shorted internally.
Best regards, David from Denmark


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