Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Salt water corrosive effects on Mars motor ?


Hello Alex,

I have had the old brushed etek (similar to the Mars) installed for about three years and sail pretty regularly during the sailing season. I took one precaution against corrosion which seems to have worked well. I bought some clear marine engine enamel. I can't remember the brand but I think I got it at an autoparts store and it cost maybe 10 or 12 dollars. I sprayed the motor and the aluminum mount until I ran out of the can. Since then I haven't had any corrosion issues. Before, the aluminum would oxidize on the motor mount and casing. Now it stays shiny. I also always use dielectric grease for electrical connections and shrinkwrap all terminals and connectors. These small investments in time and money seem to keep the gremlins away.

I was wondering. Has anyone using the brushed etek, mars, or other brushed motor had to replace their brushes yet? I wonder if it would be good to be proactive and check them now. Any thoughts or experience



--- On Wed, 4/28/10, alex <> wrote:

From: alex <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] Salt water corrosive effects on Mars motor ?
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2010, 11:19 AM


Can anyone share experience with the Mars brushed or brushless motor, and how it has lasted.... or not ... when installed in an ocean salt water rig ?

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