Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Hello! Looking for good advice about converting a large sailboat from diesel to electric


I have a Tartan 37 that I need to repower.  I would like to go electric, but I can't find a large enough motor, the batteries will be larger than the current diesel engine, and then I'll need a generator to charge them.  I'm not so sure electric is the best option for my 18,000 lbs.

Dragonfly T-37c #249

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Skip von Niederinghausen <farharbour@gmail.com> wrote:

I am  about to  install  an electric yacht  260i  in  my Moody 34  which  displaces 11,500lbs.  I will  let you know how it goes!!


On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 12:30 PM, Penelope L. McFadin <timechick@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello! I found your list last night. I have a 37 foot '79 Hunter
Cherobini Sailboat that I want to take the old nasty diesel engine out
and replace it with a clean electric motor. Has anyone done this for a
sailboat this large? Just how much power would I need and how much
battery will that require?

I just want to be able to maneuver in and out of the dock for the most
part without freaking out the harbormaster. He is under the impression
that you can't have a boat without an engine. Else I'd just rip the
thing out and use the compartment for a sail loft. lol I mean, we've
been sailing boats for 3000 years without engines, but dang if people
don't freak out when you talk about going engineless. Gawd I hate diesels.

Any good advice out there?

Penelope L. McFadin
lux libertas et caritas
29N32'32.45" 95W2'12.58"

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