Wednesday, October 21, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: Forklift motor as a inboard motor?


Quick correction: A 24v 600Ah battery equals 14.4KWh.

--- In, "Eric" <ewdysar@...> wrote:
> The difficult constraint that you have set is the ability to motor 30-40 miles on a single charge. I don't know what your motor will draw to provide 3kt boat speed, but I'll guess around 700 - 800 watts. If we use 24v at 30A for estimating, you'll need a battery bank with at least 300Ah of usable capacity. A conservative method of estimating the usable capacity to allow for reasonable depth of discharge and the Peukert effect of higher amp draws is about 50% of the manufacturers rating. So you would need over 600Ah of 24v or 12.4KWh. One solution would be 12 group 31 batteries linked appropriately, weighing in around 1000 pounds. This bank will be heavy and bulky, so you will need to find the space and allow for the weight.
> An alternative would be to decide if a powered range of 15-20 miles would be sufficient, the battery requirements would be halved.
> Fair winds,
> Eric
> Southern California
> --- In, einarssonpetur <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Good day to you all. I am new here and my knowledge of electric boat conversion somewhat limitit.
> > I own a sailboat (Tur 84) disp. about 2,5 tonns, 28 ft. The diesel died after year of illnes and I want to use an electric engine to get me in and out the harbor and a litle moore if the wind dies down. I am looking for a average speed of 3-5 knots and mabe 30-40 miles crusing. I have an old forklift motor in good shape. It purpose in the forklift was to power the hydraulic system. It is a bosch 24v,3000w,1400 rpm motor in a good shape
> > Is this posssilable (sensible)? My idea was to have him "direct conected" to the shaft. I was going to send a pitcure of the motor with this message as it does not have a regular shaft at the end but I cant find out how :(
> >
> > Thanks in advange
> >
> > Pétur
> >
> > p.s.also have 2kw, 150 amp, 1800 rmp motor from the same forklift.
> >

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