Wednesday, October 21, 2009

[Electric Boats] Forklift motor as a inboard motor?


Good day to you all. I am new here and my knowledge of electric boat conversion somewhat limitit.
I own a sailboat (Tur 84) disp. about 2,5 tonns, 28 ft. The diesel died after year of illnes and I want to use an electric engine to get me in and out the harbor and a litle moore if the wind dies down. I am looking for a average speed of 3-5 knots and mabe 30-40 miles crusing. I have an old forklift motor in good shape. It purpose in the forklift was to power the hydraulic system. It is a bosch 24v,3000w,1400 rpm motor in a good shape
Is this posssilable (sensible)? My idea was to have him "direct conected" to the shaft. I was going to send a pitcure of the motor with this message as it does not have a regular shaft at the end but I cant find out how :(

Thanks in advange


p.s.also have 2kw, 150 amp, 1800 rmp motor from the same forklift.

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