Thursday, October 22, 2009

[Electric Boats] Electric auxiliary motor in a sailing boat.


Hi all.
I am new to this group. I have been sailing for a long time. First in boat without an engine, later in boats with a small autboard. Now I have bought an IW 31. an 31' Sparkman & Stephen design from 1971.
This boat have a Volvo Penta 9hp diesel motor from 1986. I believe it is in fairly good condition, but still it need a lot of hands on. I put the boat on the dry some days ago, and when I should prepare it for the winter, it delivered a strong application for retirement. I have , for a long time, been thinking of electric drive. It fit with my type of sailing. And now I have desided that the time has come to try it. I have to do my homework, and read trough the postings. After that, I may have some questions to ask.


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