Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] Range, perkert and LIFEPO4

Most the the EV people double there useful range at the same AH
rating. Meaning if they had 40 mile range before. They now have 80
mile range. How much of the extra range in a road vehicle is from the
lighter weight vs higher discharge depth vs Perkert effect, has not
been well documented, but I would lay me money on a combination of the
higher discharge depth and Perkert effect.

On Jun 16, 2009, at 5:08 PM, cwitzgal wrote:

> Hi All;
> I am having some fun crunching numbers for a diesel Hybrid
> conversion aboard
> Jubilee. As a set of date points, I was looking at the range values/
> graphs
> on the SolidNav website. They used AGM batteries to come up with those
> figures. I was wondering how these numbers might differ, if LIFEpo4
> batteries we substituted.
> As an example, they state that on the Islander 28 test bed, a 65a,
> 48v draw
> on the AGMs gave a range of 15.37 NM and a run time of 3.07 hours. I
> think
> that I saw something that said that the Perkert effect was 80% less on
> LIFEPO4 batteries, compared to Lead Acid.
> Any info out there on the subject, or thoughts on the matter?
> Chris
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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