Monday, June 29, 2009

[Electric Boats] new member and, of course, questions

Hello Group,

My name is Roland Kruijer and I'm from The Netherlands.

I'm just entering the electric community as I bought an electric boat just a couple of weeks ago.

Maybe some of you know this boat or have one. I'm having a little problem with the speed of the boat. I allready changed the pulleys but as a result, the motor becomes hot, so I'm figuring that is not the way to do it. It now has a 300 Watt, 24 V electric motor which would be sufficient in a pond, but I live by a slow streaming river, there for the motor is too weak. Oh, and the batteries are 2 x 12 V 200 amp in series.
Now, I'm searching for a replacement (bigger) motor to use. Also I read there's need for a controller?? and I'm also looking for a throttle of some kind, because the boat now only has on/off switch.

I saw on the net that there are lots of electric scootermotors for sale, can these be used?
What kind of motor should I use? The boat doesn't have to be a speedboat.
Is it possible to use an ordinary electric motor, but instead of the 300w one with 600 or 900 watt?
I'm a bit concerned about the power of the batteries going straight to the motor. The orriginal set-up got the motor handwarm, but since I changed the pulley, its becomming, well, hotter.

As I said, I'm just entering this electric world and do not have experience in electronics. I'm more an automotive guy, so any advice would be great!

Thanks in advance,
Roland Kruijer

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