Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] CNG/Tri-fuel Generators?

Keith, do a google search on dual fuel carburetors, I'm going to run dual fuel on my 6500 watt Honda powered generator myself...  Dave K

--- On Tue, 6/30/09, aweekdaysailor <aweekdaysailor@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: aweekdaysailor <aweekdaysailor@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Electric Boats] CNG/Tri-fuel Generators?
To: electricboats@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 1:11 PM

Does anyone on the group have experience with using CNG on their generator? That seems an ideal solution (paired with CNG stove/heater/fridge for example) - I really hate having gasoline on board and I have to say I've never successfully re-fueled any portable device without spilling gas (and CA's stupid CARB containers only make the problem worse).

I see kits on eBay for converting the Honda's/Yamaha's to tri-fuel (propane/CNG/gas)- not too expensive and claimed to be easy. I don't like propane for the same reasons as gas, so I'm interested in pro's/con's of CNG (like - is energy density/smell/etc an issue?)




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