Friday, June 26, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: Hunter 33

--- In, carlocastoro <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I hope it is appropriate to post this- I recently purchased a Hunter 33 as I thought she might be an ideal sailboat for an electric motor- a large flat cabin top for solar panels, an easy to access engine room, lots of room for batteries, and because the Yanmar don't work and the mast is down, she was CHEAP. I just launched her with a fresh coat of bottom paint. She has 2 8D batteries 8 months old. She has ground tackle. She is livable, but she must be considered a "kit" boat. Unfortunately, I must sell her as is where is (Virgin Islands- lots of sun!!!). Anyone interested in making an offer?
I've been to the Virgin Islands. On which one is the boat loacted? I would be interested in a boat such as this.

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