Monday, June 1, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] 2.9 knots @ 17 Amps

Hi Bob:
 I'm about to splash for my second season with an ASMO  Thoosa 9000 system on board my 30 footer and the motoring amps and speed are very similar to your numbers. I plan to do more extensive testing this season too.  I look forward to your reports and tests.

--- On Sun, 5/31/09, loosemoosefilmworks <> wrote:

From: loosemoosefilmworks <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] 2.9 knots @ 17 Amps
Date: Sunday, May 31, 2009, 1:15 PM

Just a note as we are beginning to do some serious sea trials on our new Electric Yacht drive.

We just hauled the boat and painted so we have a clean bottom but running with just a kiss of throttle and about seven knots of wind we were able to sustain 2.9 knots with 17 Amps.

We are even more impressed with how accurate the Electric Yacht monitoring system is...

More soon come as we continues the testing.


http://boatbits. blogspot. com/
http://fishingunder sail.blogspot. com/
http://islandgourma nd.blogspot. com/

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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