Monday, June 1, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: Electric power for over 30' [Question for Dave K]

What you guys are misunderstanding is that you are talking about different things.

Sure a "50HP" diesel will produce more power than a "8HP" electric motor. But bollard pull is measuring HP as applied to the water by the propellor. If the 50HP diesel needs to rotate the prop at 2000 - 3000 rpm to get it max power at that speed in a standing start the prop is just cavitating and in reality is providing very little effective thrust.

The slower and larger the prop (in general) the more the shaft HP is going to be turned into prop thrust. On top of that if the prop is in a nozzle efficient goes up another notch.

So Dave's experience is very likely to be correct. His friend's 50HP diesel was just making bubbles (and noise)



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