Thursday, June 11, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: bad battery

Well that's kind of the problem..the charge voltage was if anything high, which I'm scratching my head over. But the "sag" was the tell - after the bank was drained a bit I put a 100amp load tester on each battery and I actually had 3 that failed including the one with the nearly dry cell.

I'm just going to pull them out of circuit for now - 230AH is fine for most days and I've now got some telecom powersupplies which can actually kill my 2KW generator - gives me enough power for get-home. I am wired as 4 (series) banks of 3 (par) for 48V. It will be 4x2 after pulling them (this config is apparently non-optimal and may partially explain the problem - reading suggests parallel bad, series good)

I'll get what credit I can from wal-mart for the old ones (amazingly..I am coming up on 18 mo since converting) and replace them, but, I'm finding that 90% of the time I either barely need battery or need more than I can possibly carry - and not much in the middle.

So a smaller bank and being more diligent about running the genset when I read the tide-table upside-down should work better.


--- In, "acsarfkram" <acsarfkram@...> wrote:
> Keith,
> I keep thinking about your motoring range issue and your comment about a bad battery. I have read in a few places that a bad battery in a string will significantly reduce range. What kind of voltage differences did you have? Do you have one big bank or two separate banks?
> Thanks, Mark F

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