Thursday, September 6, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] An off-grid existence


You might try the 12VDC_power list? That's where the "off-gridders"
are, tho not usually on boats.

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>Has anyone totally broken loose from the grid yet? By totally broken
>loose, I mean that the only 'need' for tying up to a dock when
>cruising would be to take on water and provisions.
>I have a 48v Lithium system and the choices for off-grid charging
>are slim. For a sailboat my size, a 1963 Columbia 24, a couple of
>permanent solar panels and a wind generator seem to be the best bet.
>Does anyone know of any 48v solar panel distributors? Or, should I
>go with the 24v units and use a MPPT? I'm thinking that I will loose
>efficiency with that setup, but I'm just now learning about MPPTs.
>Also, if I go the solar/wind option as is likely, does anyone have
>experience and recommendations on a duel charge controller system?
>For what it's worth, my goals are impressively simple: I'd love a
>system that allows me to recharge my electric drive and house system
>while anchored. My power consumption will be very mild (laptop,
>monitor, VHF, AIS, GPS, anchor windlass, depth, speed, and wind
>electronics, a wash-down pump, navigation and house lights, and a
>small stereo / if the system can handle the draw, maybe even a
>portable fridge/freezer).
>Looking for advice, recommendations, and knowledge.
>Thanks in advance!

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