Monday, September 24, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] eDrive fully mocked up before final install - 3.8kw, 48v Lithium system.


"12 40ah" batteries? What voltage are they?  Normally you would need 16 cell to make a 48 volt pack.  So just extra curious what you are using. 

On Sep 24, 2012, at 6:20 PM, "JBWrites - San Diego Freelance Writer" <> wrote:


Had a productive weekend on Sine Metu, my 1963 Columbia 24 sailboat. I finally removed the 49 year old chunk of rust formally thought of as a shaft coupling!

I used a Dremel tool to carefully cut through it, so don't let that tool's demure size fool you, it cut through that metal pretty damn fast (once I charged the battery, of course). Afterwards, I removed the stuffing box, cleaned it out, repacked it and cleaned out the bilge.

I also dry-fitted the entire electric drive system to make sure the boat is in trim. All 12, 40 AH Lithium batteries, the BMS, a Sevcom 48v to 12v converter, and the 3.8kw electric drive kit from Electric Yachts of Southern. California.

You can see pictures and read about at or


John D. Butler
Freelance Writer
Twitter @GaslampWriter,

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