Thursday, September 20, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] A different system pattern for electrically propelled vessels?


Great points. Thanks Kevin!

--- In, Kevin Pemberton <pembertonkevin@...> wrote:
> Roland,
> First things first:
> The batteries would be of many different sizes in your proposal. Many
> that use SSB find themselves turning off the inverter onboard because of
> noise. The SSB requires much power, as does a radar system not set
> right, and that will not be replaced with solar if used much.
> Even a small passage, lets say 15 days, will require a month or more of
> provisions that take space that you propose be used for storing
> batteries. Fact is good marine wire will cause little problems, it is
> the connections and for this reason a wire a little longer than needed
> at each connection leaves room for repair. (Don't forget spare parts)
> More on connections. A system grounded at one point reduces noise in the
> whole, and keeps consistent any interactions between systems that might
> over effect something else.
> It is common to have a house system and a drive system. If you chose a
> house system large enough to make up 48 volts when connected in series,
> and maintain cables for connecting them that way, then you may have
> power enough to make it in, if something goes wrong with the drive bank.
> It is likely better to maintain the same battery size for the whole,
> house and drive, so that you have a slip in replacement should a drive
> battery fail while under way.
> Typically long passages are sailed, not powered. Doldrums happen and it
> is best to be on a passage the shortest time you can for the safety of
> passenger and crew, but one must make choices when at sea. You Should
> keep in mind the aux system is best used while in harbour not during
> passage.
> Kevin Pemberton
> On 09/07/2012 02:44 PM, Peter Rasmussen wrote:
> > Anything obviously wrong with attempting this design pattern?
> > Any recommendations for chargers for multiple small banks?
> > Is there a clean way to combine multiple 48v charging sources into a
> > module of multiple-bank capable chargers? What might that look like?
> > Anybody done something like this who can share their experience?
> >
> > Thanks for reading and good luck with your own projects!
> >
> > Roland
> > s/v Miss Teak

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