Saturday, September 29, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: electricity from heat


Hi Kirk,

Maybe you should tell TE tech that. Their design PDF shows you how to
stack piles and acquire the voltage and amperage you need for your

For that matter you may need to tell my TE generator that it can't work
because you don't understand how it could.

It is bad news to tell people a technology can't work because you don't
understand it.

It does work, admittedly it is pricey, but out of range depends on the
user. Consider people buy LiOn batteries no matter the cost because they
believe it is the best choice. For some it is, But not for all.

For the record. I know of no solid state device that can be driven to
saturation at the voltage produced by one Thermocouple.
A thermocouple is analogous to a batteries single cell, and a pile is
analogous to a battery. Enough thermocouples stacked together and you
can obtain any voltage you want, at a price.

I previously stated my reason for feeling that TE was a good choice. The
price was higher than I first thought it would be, but the price was
worth it to me.

I brought the subject up not as an investigative subject, but rather as
an option for those looking for a solution. After all we all want a
quiet boat. It is one of the major reasons many choose Electric as a
drive option. The choice has little to do with saving money, and more
about a quiet green low carbon foot print. My choice for e-boats was the
diesel fumes below decks make me sea sick.

Kevin Pemberton

P.S. Any more discussion on piles would be useless so I won't. TE Tech
has the PDFs to help design a system. They have an engineering staff to
help if needed. I have to many Irons in the fire to help with any design
so it is up to anyone wanting such a system to do the work.

On 09/24/2012 06:37 PM, Kirk McLoren wrote:
> you have to chop it and step it up. The voltage is way too low with thermocouples to do anything else.
> Will Rogers quote: "Stupidity got us into this – why can't it get us out?"
> ________________________________
> From: Kevin Pemberton<>
> Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Re: electricity from heat
> Not exactly but yes. Solid state stuff works better at lower temps, that
> makes them work better than thermocouples in the solar heat range.
> Voltages are increased in the same fashion as a battery works, many
> cells in series. The diodes used are stacked for series for voltage
> output, parallel for heat transfer. It simply would not prove
> advantageous to use a DC to DC converter to increase voltage in this
> application.
> Kevin Pemberton

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