Friday, September 7, 2012

RE: [Electric Boats] battery cost comparison - now long term cost too.


Why were they turned into bricks?

IME usually because the operators used inappropriate charging or discharged to far.


Lithium gives very high performance relative to Pb, within a different care regime. The points of destruction are hard and fixed, not gradual.


Autos went to radial tyres vs crossplies because of higher adhesion even though they radial lets go with less warning. The same principle, of care at point of failure, must be applied to lithium. Lithium does not forgive abuse.


The upside is that as the points of abuse are easily measured, and remain constant, and performance at them is poor there is no reason for crossing them.  


Like most things that represent new regimes, some people feel obliged not to conform.






From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, 7 September 2012 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] battery cost comparison - now long term cost too.



Both questions are valid, however I would address each product separately regarding cycle potential.

Has anyone seen valid data from a Lith Supplier that shows a Life Cycle Test Result ? 


I would imagine this data would come from the EV world, but I just have not seen anyone demonstrate the

proof. I have seen evidence of Lith Batts turning into "bricks" , (Death Cycle) so validating the (Life Cycle) only seems

appropriate to validate the Investment Cost.



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