Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] 1.5:1 drivetrain help



I believe Sea EV is SolidNav now. I don't think they sell parts but you can try them;

--- In, Arby Bernt <arbybernt@...> wrote:
> McMaster-Carr or Grainger.
> Consider using a cog belt, as high speed chain drives are noisey and will sling their oil off. In addition, the high mass of the chain will apply a lot of extra tension during operation, straining bearings and eventually streching the chain.
> Be Well,
> Arby
> On Aug 12, 2009, at 7:20 PM, "kklemmer@..." <kaklemmer@...> wrote:
> Hi, i am designing a drive system for my Arthur Robb yawl. Based on a choice of a mars brushless 48v motor and my existing prop, i should need a 1.5-1.75:1 belt or chain drivetrain.
> my question is, where do i find one? I have tried Sea-EV, but no answer. Does everyone just build their own with industrial bearings and shafts or is there some place where various ratio drives can be obtained?
> thank you!
> kenneth
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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