Sunday, August 23, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: My intro.


I hope people who build small boats and use trolling motors for power are welcome on this site, otherwise I must go. I have built six boats in recent years and find the pleasures of silent electric propulsion
great. My boats only require a small trolling motor to get them to hull speed and my aim is to try and get the most mileage out of each battery charge. I visit this site to gain information from other electric boat users experience. Regards, Arthur.

--- In, "luckettg1" <luckettg@...> wrote:
> >Do you currently own an electric boat?
> No, not yet.
> >Did you convert a boat to electric drive?
> Does an electric trolling motor count?
> >Are you interested in building or purchasing an e-boat?
> I am curious.
> I build small boats and am considering electric drives.

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