Saturday, August 15, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: Diesel Generators for electric conversion



I don't know what kind of boat that you are converting, so your stated requirements are hard to evaluate.

But I think that some of your assumptions may be a little off. First, the 12hp Yanmar SVE12 worked well in my 30' ketch for more than 30 years; so a newer, lighter 18hp might not be too much of a compromise.

Second, most of the conversion companies recommend motors less than 5kw for boats up to 5 tons displacement. If so, an 8-10kw generator seems like overkill, plus the ones that I have seen are about the same weight and size as most of the diesel pushers that are being replaced. The 15-20hp pushers are less than 250 lbs, even the 35hp pushers that I have spec'd weigh under 400 lbs, the 3-4kw diesel generators are around 250, the remainder would get used up in the electric drive alone. And then the batteries... In my boat, there's just not enough room to start packing in all this extra equipment

Of course if you're dealing with boat larger than 5 tons, the calculations are different and electric usually becomes a less effective solution until the boat gets really big.

I'm still new to the marine conversion issues, but this is sounding very similar to the car conversions that I've done.


--- In, "Dave Hackett" <dave.hackett@...> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> The idea is that an electric motor + small 8-10Kw diesel + electronics +
> batteries + small gas tank will = the size and weight of a 30Hp pusher
> diesel + large gas tank and the hope is that it will all cost the same, or
> more reasonable, no more then 25% extra.
> For example, I've recently priced a new Kubota 9Kw, liquid cooled diesel for
> $2800 and a Yanmar 3G 30Hp for $9000. That's $6000 of wiggle room to pay
> for the electrical side - and I'm looking at retail prices.
> I'd be careful of the Yanmar GM20 as a pusher diesel. This is only an 18HP
> engine, suitable for most boats 27' or less.
> DaveH

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