Saturday, August 15, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Diesel Generators for electric conversion


The 2.9 knots was achieved before I put my solar panel on board and there was no wind  turning the wind generator. So those sources would be gravy added on top of the Honda generators output. I don't count on them to add much when motoring but, if they do as Martha Stewart says "It's a good thing." However,  if the wind generator is cranking then I most likely would be sailing! But, I still let the wind generator keep charging the batteries even when under sail. I really only use the Honda if the wind really dies and I want to keep moving toward my destination (if I have one) and to take advantage of the favoring currents as much as possible.
  My solar panel is a 60 watt Kaneka 48 volt. I think it's about 39 inches square. I plan to add another as soon as I figure out the mounting arrangements. The wind generator and solar panels are two legs of my three legged stool for charging. The third leg being the Honda generator. The Honda does well for bulk charging and the solar and wind generators are good for topping off the bank. To me it's a great combination for an electric boat.
     Yes the Honda is like an outboard. But, one that you can move around easily.  On my last cruise I was motoring for a few hours. The Honda is pretty quiet but, not library quiet.<g> So I moved the Honda to the foredeck away from the cockpit and it made things in the cockpit much quieter. You can't do that with a diesel! <g>

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, Eric <> wrote:

From: Eric <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] Re: Diesel Generators for electric conversion
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 1:38 AM



You're right, I meant you. I agree with your positive assessments of a portable generator; cheap, light, easily repairable and upgradeable. They're kind of the electric equivalent of an outboard motor. :)

The NG1-48 is a 15A charger. Is your quote of 2.9kt while running the generator based on only that 15A, or does it include your solar and wind sources?
Do you run your Air-X under way? It looks like 15kts of apparent wind can generate about 2A.
How big is your solar panel? the 55v Sanyo 205 (34" x 52") generates about 3.6A max, but with a narrow ketch I don't think I have any decent place to park one. I'll probably have to skip solar underway on this boat.

I know that YMMV, but this is looking more promising as I adjust my expectations. :)


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