Monday, August 31, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] Electric Yacht system



Are you sure you can fit a 14x12 prop on your E27? I ended up with a 12x10 three blade fixed and it works pretty well - 4knts @20amps. I would like to try a 12x11 just for grins.

Is the Electric Yacht motor a brushless motor? When I was looking they were brushed motors. The SoildNav Explorer, the one I installed in my Ericson 27 is brushless.

Also if you are adding new batteries to older ones I would get a charger that charges each battery individually. Like the Dual Pro Four Bank Pro SE. I added a new battery to a bank after one went bad and the Kipoint 48 volt charger (which charges the whole bank as one) had problems. The Four Bank Pro is keeping the mixed bank balanced so far.

I have two separate banks; 4 group 27 AGM's and 4 group 31 AGM's. The Kipoint charger is on the bank that has all the same vintage batteries and it's working fine on them.


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