Monday, August 31, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] and now for something completely different


Look at #29 Fall copy of Epoxyworks. They show electric motor driven
Flettner Rotors on a trimaran. Admittedly you still need some wind for
them to work, but its another way to propel a boat using electricity.

acsarfkram wrote:
> Eric,
> Are you sure you can fit a 14x12 prop on your E27? I ended up with a
> 12x10 three blade fixed and it works pretty well - 4knts @20amps. I
> would like to try a 12x11 just for grins.
> Is the Electric Yacht motor a brushless motor? When I was looking they
> were brushed motors. The SoildNav Explorer, the one I installed in my
> Ericson 27 is brushless.
> Also if you are adding new batteries to older ones I would get a
> charger that charges each battery individually. Like the Dual Pro Four
> Bank Pro SE. I added a new battery to a bank after one went bad and
> the Kipoint 48 volt charger (which charges the whole bank as one) had
> problems. The Four Bank Pro is keeping the mixed bank balanced so far.
> I have two separate banks; 4 group 27 AGM's and 4 group 31 AGM's. The
> Kipoint charger is on the bank that has all the same vintage batteries
> and it's working fine on them.
> >

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