Tuesday, August 18, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: PWM controller for a Trolling motor


As the Minnkota runs at just 12V, you might want to take a look at some of the RC model electric motor controllers. These would need de-rating a bit for reliability, but one like this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RC-Waterproof-Resistant-110A-Motor-Speed-Controller-ESC_W0QQitemZ290340241978QQcmdZViewItemQQptZFR_YO_Jeux_RadioComRobots_VehiculesRadiocommandes?hash=item4399a0823a&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14.l1262 would be OK for the job. Being waterproof is a bonus. To drive it, you would need a servo tester to act as a throttle. These are very cheap and available from any model shop, or you could buy one from that eBay supplier for just a few pounds.


--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, "arthurwade1941" <mwade@...> wrote:
> Thank you Jeremy, the Minnkota has a permanent magnet motor, the 40lb thrust model uses resistive speed controllers as standard and PWM for the next model up. The operating voltage is 12v and the maximum current is 35amps. approx. I had a look at the site you suggested and will email him to see if he can help, thanks again, regards, Arthur.

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