Saturday, August 29, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Problems with Electric Marine Propulsion Inc.


I have done my research and am now in the process of putting an
electric yacht 260i 18 hp system in my Moody 34. Dealing with Scott
McMillan has been great. So I feel confident that the system will met
my limited needs... 10 miles of motoring max.


On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 1:40 PM, aweekdaysailor <>wrote:

> The common element in these reports?
> Both outfits prone to quite a lot of hyperbole - just like the rest of the
> EV industry (eestor anyone?)
> Vendors need to stick with realistic options, backed by customer
> testimonials - not sticking 6HP motors and 4 batteries on 47 foot, 11-ton
> yachts and calling it electric propulsion (plenty of other recent examples
> in the 3HP range...) Might as well be using trolling motors for all the good
> those would be in a pinch.
> And don't get me started (again) on regen...
> The problem is this industry is a lot like selling antiques. The barrier to
> entry is low, the market is small and the buyers are cheap -- so no one
> makes any money.
> -Keith

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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