Sunday, August 16, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] Portable chargers?


It should be able to run the two chargers but, as you point out you may run into the Scotty factor from Star Trek. "I can't make any more power Captain" <g> The Honda coming up 80 watts short is not the end of the world. But, as Merrick also pointed out you don't want to run things at max power all the time either. But, remember you will have a battery bank to draw on too. If you get most of your amps from the Honda 2000i/NG-1 charger combination and only draw a few amps from the battery bank you can motor a much longer distance than under battery alone and faster too. But, if you adjust the boats speed so you are only using the power available from the Honda/charger setup you can motor until the fuel runs out. That's the trade off with electric propulsion.
     But, I am curious about running two 48 volt Zivans in parallel with the Honda 2000i. If it works it should give one a nice bump up in speed from just one Zivan in operation as I have. This is because you should be increasing the amount of amps available from the chargers for powering the motor. Sounds like a good experiment for someone to do. While I think it would be great for increasing amps available for motoring there may be some issues with charging one good and one bad:
1) When the chargers are bulk (max current) charging the battery bank it may actually charge the battery bank faster because more current is available in this phase of battery charging with the two chargers. This is the good part.
2) There could be a problem with second stage charging. The Zivan NG-1 is a particularly sophisticated charger that measures the batteries and pulses current as needed in the second stage of charging. The two chargers in parallel could be fighting each other or getting erroneous readings if both are in operation during charging. I think the problem could be easily solved by shutting down one of the chargers during this phase of the charging cycle.
Anyway it sounds like a great experiment for someone to try. Don't look at me. My boat bucks are already spent for this year.<g> Plus look at it this way if it does not work out the worse thing is you have a spare charger on board. <g>. 

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, Eric <> wrote:

From: Eric <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] Portable chargers?
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 8:27 AM


Does anyone know if the Honda 1000i will run a 48w 15A charger? If the charger is 85%efficient, then the 900w output of the 1000i should cover the load.

Does anyone know if the Honda 2000i will run 2 48W 15A chargers at the same time? This time the 1600w continuous doesn't really cover the requisite 1440w output to run 2 85% efficient chargers, it's 80w short.

Does anyone have any practical experience with this issue?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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