Tuesday, August 18, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: Searching the ideal electric propulsion system


Hi Todd

I am aware of the old style engines on that boat. I guess on future models they will be replaced by R type torqeedo engines. Also I am aware of that torqeedos are not the noisiest electric outboards on the marked. At least the videos of models with e.g. Parsun and others where the motor is built analogously to gas-outboards seem to be a lot noisier. I guess you might have experience since you are selling both kinds of engines. Again I have no personal experience. However, for me the ideal engine is completely silent and retractable.
If torqeedo would sell their 2.0/4.0 R engine with a mounting system similar to the one on the kayak version so that I could attach it from below to the overhanging transom of my sailboat with som kind of mounting which allows for pulling it out of the water it would be much more convenient than the conventional outboard system. Not least because the problem with my current outboard is that it tends to either dive or surface when the waves get bigger.
Anyway I guess any electric engine will be less noisy than my 10 hp Honda even though for a gas outboard it is not that noisy at all (at least compared to the Johnson 8hp 2 stroke engine I had before...).

If torqeedo would sell their 2.0/4.0 R engine with a mounting system similar to the one on their kayak version so that one could attach it from below to the overhanging sailboat transoms, with som kind of mounting which allows for pulling it out of the water, it would be much more convenient than the conventional outboard system. Not least because the problem with my current outboard is that it tends to either dive or surface when the waves get bigger (I am aware of the fact that the new torqeedos tolerate temporary submersion).


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