Sunday, August 16, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: 4kw "Arby" motor?


I think i sounded a little more shrill about this than I intended and I apologize if it was. It's not so much that one person does it.. its that over time everyone starts doing it and instead of a 5 paragraph email with 5 paragraphs of new content you get a 200 paragraph email with 5 paragraphs of new information you have to find in the rest of it.

I understand your logic about this kevin.. my only answer is that all those posts are still on the forum in the older threaded posts and it is easy to go back and follow the whole conversation there if you want to. I have seen in some threads the same information posted as many as 20 times because it kept getting left in the replys. For those that read just the email digests, leaving just enough to let people know what just preceded the current post is a good thing. If they have forgotten the whole thread though it is still all available on the yahoo groups site.

I follow a lot of different forums and email threads on different stuff and can when it is all concise get through it in about an hour.. when I start having to dig through for the new content it can take upwards of 2 hours sometimes... this is just to explain where I personally get frustrated as I don't have the extra time to dig out the new information and just end up deleting some of the posts to save time.

--- In, Kevin Pemberton <the_right_lane@...> wrote:
> Sorry guys!  I try to put the new post on top.  The reason I leave the old there is so you know what I am replying to.
> Feel free to not re-read what is below my comments.  My e-time is very limited and I find it hard to recompose old posts but feel it important for all readers to know what I am commenting on.
> I will trim content below the last post from now on, rather than leave it for reference as I have done on this reply.

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