Sunday, August 16, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: Portable chargers?



I use the 2000i for my Zivan 48V charger. I thought long and hard about the 1000i, but went the next step up for two reasons. One, I was concerned about running a generator at near max for long periods, and two - with the 2000i I can run my 12v (10A) house bank charger at the same time.


--- In, "Eric" <ewdysar@...> wrote:
> Does anyone know if the Honda 1000i will run a 48w 15A charger? If the charger is 85% efficient, then the 900w output of the 1000i should cover the load.
> Does anyone know if the Honda 2000i will run 2 48W 15A chargers at the same time? This time the 1600w continuous doesn't really cover the requisite 1440w output to run 2 85% efficient chargers, it's 80w short.
> Does anyone have any practical experience with this issue?
> Thanks,
> Eric

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