Monday, July 5, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Anyone have experience with 144 volt motor systems?


I seriously looked into a Hi-voltage system, they simply cost less per KW delivered.   The problem I keep coming back to was that there where very few accessories above 48 volts. So any money saved on the traction motor was lost buying expensive poorer quality accessories. An example is there are zero pure sign inverters on the market above 48 volts and the few modified sign inverters that take 144 volts where very feature poor and from companies you have never heard of before.  Same problem for DC-DC conversion, same for chargers.....etc etc. 

I really wish Outback or Mastervolt would put together a decent quality inverter/charger setup for higher voltages. but as it stands now 48 volts seems to be the highest voltage that mass market accessories are made for. 

If you do run across a source for pure-sign inverters for high voltage please let me know. 

On Jul 5, 2010, at 8:35 AM, Kirk wrote:


--- In, "rvcarpesol" <harry8136103219@...> wrote:
> I'm trying to decide between 48 volt and 144 volt motor systems for a newly constructed 36 foot catamaran. I'm hoping that there are some people here that have some firsthand experience with the 144 volt systems.
lots easier to electrocute yourself with higher voltage
accidents do happen

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