Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] 6V Batteries, or 12V better for 36V bank ?


On 21/07/10 22:29, alex wrote:
> Does any one have reasons why 6v golf cart batteries would make a better 36v bank, than using group 24DC 12v batteries ? Otherwise, same number of batteries (different wiring configuration), same weight, same cost, etc.
My system is based on 6 x 6V Trojan T145s. At the time going 6 x 6
gave me more Ah than 3 x 12 for my money. I haven't priced batteries
recently so this may have changed. It also meant I had an even number
of batteries which was important for the trim on my small boat.

The T145 is a flooded battery. The charger balances them by
overcharging the string, meaning I have to regularly water them, but my
batteries are pretty accessable. (The charger doesn't always overcharge,
it has a timer in it and only over charges once a month or if it thinks
the string has been reconfigured.)

It has been said that the 6v batteries work better under load as the
batteries are all built to a standard set of sizes, so the 6v batteries
have larger cells than the 12v ones as each battery has 3 cells instead
of 6. The larger cell plates can cope with more current. This could be
simply rumour though.

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