Sunday, July 25, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] SOLAR & WIND NUMBERS


Do you sail lake or salt? Are you satisfied with your choice?

--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Capt. Mike <> wrote:

From: Capt. Mike <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] SOLAR & WIND NUMBERS
Date: Sunday, July 25, 2010, 9:47 AM


I thought I'd share with the group some real world experience with the solar and wind charging systems on my boat. It will give you an idea of what to expect. I needed to drop off the mooring and head to the dock for water and supplies.
After returning to the mooring I had used according to the XBM battery monitor 5.5 amp hours. The capacity had dropped to 96%. It was around 2PM. There was no real wind so charging for most of the afternoon was primarily via the 60 watt solar panel. In the evening a line of thunder storms came through. The Marine AirX wind generator kicked in about 1 to 1.5 amps only in the higher gusts. After the storms passed the wind died again. The next day there again was no wind. So charging was again primarily solar. By 4pm about 26 hours after I returned to the mooring the XBM was registering 99.5% capacity. I hope this helps when thinking about adding solar and wind charging systems.

Capt. Mike
Sent from on board BIANKA

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