Friday, July 23, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: Dual Pro Output current.


Hi Eric,
I didn't have any specific model in mind. It has been quite a few years since I was in the market for power supplies. I did a quick search and found some interesting supplies from companies I never heard of before. MW has a model RSP-1000-48 that has 90 to 254 volt AC input and 48 volts DC output at 21 amps for $323 USD. The bad news is MW means "Mean Well". Did someone really name their company mean well? I also found one from the old reputable power supply company - Lambda. It didn't show a price, though, and appeared to be a very highly regulated supply for industrial use. I imagine it would be very expensive. Lambda appears to be owned by TDK now. Anyway, I will keep looking and let you know if I find anything.


--- In, "Eric" <ewdysar@...> wrote:
> Pat,
> Thank you for bringing this up. This may be a case of the smart charger being too smart. A battery under load could easily lead the charger to see a "damaged" battery, and better programming would shut things down before more damage occured.
> Your suggestion of a simple power supply is excellent, I don't think that I've read a post here that has specifically made that suggestion. Do you know of any 1000W to 1500W 48V power supplies that are available to DIY folks like us?
> Thanks,
> Eric

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