Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: new battery


The Leaf has a 24kwh pack,  using current prices for LiFePo that would cost around $9000.00 bucks.  In a boat at 48 volts that would give you a whopping 500AH pack, which would be equivalent to a 1000AH pack in lead for useful energy out.   

And LiFePo have a fair amount of DIY balancers on the market. Such as : http://www.schulze-elektronik-gmbh.de/LiPoProB-e.htm

Eric is there a reason you always double or more the cost of LiFePo batteries packs?  LiFePo have not cost $25K for 24kwh pack in well over a year or more. You seem to quote the same inflated number over and over. Not looking for a fight just curiosity is getting the better of me. 

On Jul 26, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Eric wrote:


These are the Lithium batteries that have been available to DIYers for the past few years at reasonable costs. I have a set of Thundersky Lithium Iron batteries for the conversion of my 30' ketch.

The DIY EV guys have been able to build 100 mile per charge car conversions that cost about $25k for a while.

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, Kirk McLoren <kirkmcloren@...> wrote:
> http://www.designnews.com/article/509514-Nissan_Bets_on_the_Electric_Car.php
> 100 mile range they claim

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