Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] new proposed conversion



Sounds like your boat needs could easily work with electric propulsion considering your stated cruising needs. Though I question how you plan to charge the 48 volt bank with the currently installed 12 volt charger. Also are you going to put the two 24 volt solar panels in series to make the 48 volts?


Sent from on board BIANKA

From: "michael.kelly54" <michael.kelly54@yahoo.com>
Sender: electricboats@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 23:24:49 +0000
To: <electricboats@yahoogroups.com>
ReplyTo: electricboats@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Electric Boats] new proposed conversion


The information shared on this site has changed my mind on repowering with diseal. The sailboat is a Valiant 32 that I am restoring with a displacsment of 11,000 lbs L.W.L 26' beam 10'5" and is moored yearound.
I haven't yet decided as far as the 48v motor and controller but have the opportunity to purchase a bank of Rolls Surrette batteries at not more than two Trogan 220. The Rolls are 6 volt 550 amp 117 lbs. ea.
I need a minimum of one hour at approx. 4 to 5 knts and I think this seams to work with approx. 1000lbs. of weight where the engine was located. I've removed the old engine and fuel tank. Any feedback would be most welcome.
The existing electrical system had a Sea Ranger 4000 automatic battery charger input 115 volt 10 amps with an output 12 volt 40 amps and 60 boost. Could this be used as a bulk charger from a Honda 2000 generator and a separate 48v smart solar controller. I was planning on purchasing two 175 watt 24v solar panels with a later addition of a wind generator.
I would also plan on fabricating a sealed battery box with 48v fan powered from the solar controller.
Again thanks for all the knowledge shared on this site.


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