Thursday, July 22, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Dual Pro Output current.


I certainly would not start with a Honda or Yamaha i-series generator. The inverter/controller is built to adjust the speed of the engine to the 110VAC load. To tweek the output to DC and a lower voltage seems unlikely to work well while retaining the functionality that justified the premium cost. This sounds more like building a 48VDC generator from scratch, though if I was doing it I would set the voltage closer to 52V (13V per 12V battery), high enough to do some good but low enough to not really do any charging or cook the batteries.

Runnning the generator through a high efficiency charger seems like an effective way to achieve reasonable performance with fairly common off-the-shelf parts. And if anything fails, there's a chance that components can be replaced under warranty.

Fair winds,

--- In, "Capt. Mike" <biankablog@...> wrote:
> Steve:
> Yes that would work. But, there is that delicate balance of not cooking the batteries in the process. Though I guess if one kept the supply at around 48 volts when motoring the chances of harming the bank would be minimal.
> Mike
> Sent from on board BIANKA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Dolan <sdolan@...>
> Sender:
> Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 07:18:08
> To:<>
> Reply-to: electricboats@...: RE: [Electric Boats] Dual Pro Output current.
> Mike,
> What if you rectified the voltage off the generator to 48 volts. Send it to both the batteries and the motors, monitor the output of the genset and control the voltage to the batteries? Just thinking....
> Steve in Solomons MD

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