Thursday, July 22, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: 6V Batteries, or 12V better for 36V bank ?


You didn't mention amps. Volts equal pressure, a 36v bank can turn a bigger motor. Historically 6v golf cart batteries were your best buy for deep cycle batteries. Many 12v "deep cycle batteries" really weren't and they died sooner in true deep cycle jobs like powering a traction motor. But, first you need to make sure you 2 banks are really the same size electrically (i.e. watt hours they can deliver). For each bank multiply Volts (36 or 24) times the 20 hour rate for one (1) of the batteries in that bank. This will give you the total watts each bank can deliver. You only multiply by the 20 amp hour rate of one (1) battery since the batteries are in series the 20 amp hour rate for the bank is the same as for one battery.

If these are flooded celled lead acid batteries you really only need one charger that can periodically do an equalizing charge. This charge will equalize the voltage in all of the batteries in your bank. Read directions before doing and do not try on sealed batteries.

--- In, "alex" <alex04032@...> wrote:
> Does any one have reasons why 6v golf cart batteries would make a better 36v bank, than using group 24DC 12v batteries ? Otherwise, same number of batteries (different wiring configuration), same weight, same cost, etc.

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