Thursday, July 1, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: melted some wires



Almost every place that sells marine wire has the ABYC chart of recommended wire size for given amps and distance. So you need to know how much current you are running and how far you're running it. Regardless of what size wire you end up with, every circuit on your boat(radio, lights, drive motor, etc.) should be protected with a a fuse or breaker that will kill the circuit before the wiring fails. If you don't do that, you are literally playing with fire.

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

And no, I have never melted wires on my boat due to too much current. However, I have replaced my share of fuses...

--- In, "james" <james4078@...> wrote:
> Has anyone besides me melted some wiring due to too much dc current?
> I'm looking for a good source for the correct wiring and being able to buy it in bulk. Any ideas?
> I'm running two etek motors and 6 12volt deep cycle batteries on a 16' three passenger speed boat. It gets up on plane but to much current melted some wires and they caught fire. It was small and quickly been extinguished (don't under estimate the importance of a handy fire extinguisher). looking for some leads....thanks

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