I'm surprised you would choose a new production boat for a proof of concept experiment. I would think that getting a very slightly used one would save you more than $200,000 on your initial investment. A hull that is a few years old shouldn't change the eductional and public relations efficacy of the project at all.
Of course. if you were trying a new hull design, one that wasn't available on the market, you would have to go with new construction.
I'm also surprised that you chose an Endeavor Cat 36 for your starting point. There are other production designs that are more efficient and could beter show the capabilities of an electric sailboat. But obviously, this is your project and I commend your commitment to get it done.
Again, I wish you the best of luck in achieving your goals.
Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA
--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, Harry Wilkins <harry8136103219@...> wrote:
> Eric,
> The $250,000 will pay for part of the construction. We are starting with a freshly minted Endeavour Catamaran 36 footer which normally sells for $389,000. The cost of batteries, motors, solar panels, wind turbines, and all the other unique gear will drive the price up from there. Then after it is constructed, it will embark on a three or more year educational and public relations tour that is currently budgeted at over $150,000 per year. We expect to offset some of these costs with sponsors but we need to generate contributions to move forward. The Pepsi grant would pretty much solve all of our immediate funding.
> I hope I can count on you to visit www.refresheverything.com/solarboat each day and cast a vote for our project. If you would pass this information on to some friends that would also be greatly appreciated.
> Harry Wilkins
> www.rvCarpeSol.com
> hw@...
> To: electricboats@yahoogroups.com
> From: ewdysar@...
> Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2010 06:45:54 +0000
> Subject: [Electric Boats] Re: Help convince Pepsi to fund an electric boat!!
> Your project will cost more than $250,000? I wish you the best of luck on getting the funding.
> Fair winds,
> Eric
> Marina del Rey
> --- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, "rvcarpesol" <harry8136103219@> wrote:
> >
> > I am constructing a solar electric boat to lead the way in eliminating pollution on America's waterways.... If I muster enough votes from friends and strangers, my project will receive a $250,000 grant from Pepsi. That would go a long way towards funding the Research Vessel Carpe Sol.
> >
Saturday, July 3, 2010
[Electric Boats] Re: Help convince Pepsi to fund an electric boat!!
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